Your Smile is Your Most Attractive Physical Feature. A national survey from the American Dental Association and Crest® and Oral B® finds that the smile outranked eyes, hair and the body as the most appealing physical feature.
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Good To Know
What are Lumineers?
Lumineers are a brand of porcelain veneers that are made by Den-Mat, a dental materials company in Santa Maria, California. They are custom designed to give you that smile you always wanted but never thought you could actually have. They are a breakthrough in cosmetic dentistry. They are ultra-thin compared to traditional veneers which means that there is no need for removing tooth structure to make space for them. No anaesthesia, no drilling, no pain! Moreover, they are reversible, so you lose nothing but gain a gorgeous smile.
Too good to be true? It actually is. Moreover, it takes only 2 visits
In the first stage we will carry out a thorough oral examination, which will help us to assess if you are a good candidate for veneers. If we find that we can improve your smile with lumineers, we will take an impression of your mouth in dental putty which will be sent away to a specialist studio where your customized veneers will be designed and created with the utmost precision. Also, we’ll choose the right shade for your new smile. During your second visit, your custom designed lumineers will be painlessly attached on to your teeth.